Excellent Education in a nurturing environment
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. -Proverbs 22:6
Sweethaven Christian Academy, as the educational ministry of Sweethaven Baptist Church, has set as its purpose the goal of reaching young people with the message of Christ, teaching them the life changing power of the gospel message and demonstrating positive, day-by-day guidelines for living as set forth in the Bible.
Did You Know?
The few years that children attend school are precious. We want to come alongside you to help guide your children in more than just education. We want also to encourage them emotionally, socially, and most importantly, spiritually. When your child leaves Sweethaven, we want them to understand their worth as children of God, and to be equipped to succeed in their community, and ultimately, the world.
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